Services companies

Below you will find a list of apps and services offered by the FOCBS for companies. 


Importation, exportation, transit


The new goods traffic system can be used for transit and export.


The app speeds up border crossings in the transit procedure.


The app facilitates the importation of bulk goods (periodic collective declaration).


Goods to be imported or exported can be declared electronically with e-dec Importe-dec Export, e-dec easy and e-dec web.


For the digital transmission of accompanying documents and for digital communication with Customs when using e-dec.

Chartera Output

Chartera Output offers the possibility to search for and download customs documents.

Customs tariff - Tares

Tares offers the possibility to search for a customs tariff and the applicable taxes and duties. It also provides information on tariff-related topics.

Exchange rates

View current exchange rates or for a specific date.


Goods declarations in cross-border rail freight traffic are recorded in the RailControl system.

System availability

Customs declaration / Transit / Documents

Road levies


The Via Portal can be used to pay the lump-sum heavy vehicle charge (PSVA) for vehicles that are registered outside Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein, regardless of time and place.

E-vignette for Companies

The e-vignette, linked to the control plate and costing CHF 40, allows to drive on Swiss highways.



The NETS (National Electronic Toll Service) ensures data collection in Switzerland as part of the HVC survey.



EETS is the EU's electronic toll service, with Europe-wide compatibility; Switzerland is connected to the service


The NMTS is available for vehicles without an EETS or NETS solution (foreign vehicles only).

Fuel Card Providers

The Fuel Card Providers Ordinance of the Federal Department of Finance (FDF Fuel Card Providers Ordinance) with its technical specifications regulates the authorisation of providers.

Domestic levies


The digital tax declaration for breweries in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.


Petroli-Info provides master data on the levying of mineral oil tax.

Precious Metal Control


Prezius is the Precious Metals Control's digital application. It allows business partners to create and track their orders for Precious Metals Control services via ePortal.



ePortal provides direct access to digital services of the Federal Administration.

Customs client administration

The use of NCTS and e-dec requires registration in the Customs client administration (ZKV).


In addition to the applications, the FOCBS offers other services to simplify customs procedures.

Refunds and reductions

Under certain circumstances, duties, e.g. the CO2 tax or mineral oil tax, can be refunded.


You can apply for an exemption from the authorisation requirement for certain goods, such as therapeutic products or hazardous chemicals.

Special customs status, certificates or licences

These services reduce your administrative effort when dealing with Customs, e.g. for authorised consignors or authorised consignees, or even make such dealings possible in the first place. 

HVC account

In order for taxes and duties to be levied on foreign vehicles that are fitted with an HVC on-board unit, the vehicle owner must open an HVC account with the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS).  

Duty-free warehouses

Duty-free warehouses are used for the temporary storage of goods that have not been cleared through customs.

Customs account CSP

With the centralised settlement procedure (CSP), you can clear customs quickly and cashlessly.


No need to type in account details, amounts and reference numbers any more. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can check the e-bill in your online banking system and approve it for payment.


Swiss-Impex is the online statistical database on Swiss foreign trade.

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Contact details and opening hours

You will find all customs hotlines as well as the opening hours and contact details of customs offices here.