Facts & figures

Working in the service of Switzerland

The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security provides comprehensive security at the border – for the benefit of the public, the business community and the state. Would you like to know what we have achieved in the past year? Here you will find everything from species protection to customs clearance and the respective figures.


Fakten und Zahlen 2024: Einnahmen


The FOCBS generates a significant share of the Confederation's receipts each year.

Fakten und Zahlen 2024: Betäubungsmittel


End of the road at border control – FOCBS employees seize drugs every day.

Fakten und Zahlen 2024: Medikamente und Dopingmittel

Medications and doping preparations

Medicinal products bought online often have the wrong dosage or contain dangerous substances.

Fakten und Zahlen 2024: Migration


Irregular migration on the decline.

Fakten und Zahlen 2024: Tiere und Pflanzen

Animals and plants

For certain animals and plants, the Swiss border signals: Stop!

Fakten und Zahlen 2024: Mitarbeitende BAZG

FOCBS employees

Working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to keep Switzerland safe.

Fakten und Zahlen 2024: DaziT

DaziT facts & figures

The DaziT programme was officially launched on 1 January 2018. Take a look at some figures so far.

Fakten und Zahlen 2024: Ein Tag an der Grenze

A day at the border

This is how much the employees of the FOCBS achieve during an average day. Did you know?

Fakten und Zahlen 2024: Strafverfolgung


The FOCBS additionally makes an important contribution to Switzerland's safety and security in the area of criminal prosecution and the fight against cross-border crime.