Customs Museum

The Swiss Customs Museum presents the tasks performed by Customs and explains the different functions of the Swiss border as they are today and as they were in the past.


Dear friends of the Customs Museum

The 2024 season has come to an end and we are going into winter break. We will be back in spring 2025 with many new ideas and inspiring projects.
We look forward to welcoming you back on 20 April 2025.
Your Customs Museum Team


Currently in the Customs Museum

Im rechten Teil des Bildes steht mit weissen Buchstaben auf schwarzem Grund der Titel der , sowie einen Hinweis auf den Inhalt der Ausstellung. Es handelt sich dabei um das Thema «Schmuggel und Flüchtlinge zwischen Italien und der Schweiz im zweiten Weltkrieg». Im Linken Teil des Bildes sieht man zwei Männer, die hintereinander durch ein Dickicht gehen. Der Hintere trägt dabei einen Leinensack über der rechten Schulter

A border between poverty and persecution

The border with Italy was by far the area which saw the most intense levels of smuggling.

Lebensgrosse Puppe trägt alte GWK-Uniform

Permanent Exhibition: a 1,935 km border in a museum

Over 2.2 Million people and around 1.1 Million vehicles and 24,000 lorries cross the Swiss border every day. What is the work of Customs? And what were things like when the Swiss border was first set up?

Other topics

Gebäude Zollmuseum aus Distanz gesehen


Information on how to get there, refreshment facilities and nearby walks.

Zollmuseum Ausstellung

Information for schools

We offer guided tours for school classes and provide accompanying teaching material.

The Museum

The Swiss Customs Museum presents the tasks performed by Customs and explains the different functions of the Swiss border and the Swiss border guard as they are today and as they were in the past.


Publications & Media

Here you will find news from the Customs Museum and reports from the media.