Contact details and opening hours

Here you can find all hotlines and offices, other useful contact details, and the opening hours of FOCBS contact points.


On the page linked below you will find an overview of our FAQ lists, for example on the e-vignette.

All hotlines

These links will direct you to all the Swiss Customs hotlines, such as the FOCBS service desk, finance support, customs account CSP, performance-related heavy vehicle charge (HVC), precious metals control, etc.

Private individuals:
Contact details for private individuals on cross-border shopping, online shopping, moving house, vehicles, etc.

Contact details for commercial goods, technical support, bookkeeping, media representatives, etc.

Customs office opening hours/contact details

Customs offices are located throughout Switzerland. They are divided into three categories as follows:

  • Offices providing services for private individuals (tourist traffic)
  • Offices providing services for companies (commercial goods traffic)
  • Administrative offices (e.g. the Directorate in Bern), which do not provide services for external parties

Please note that there are exceptions: for example, household effects of private individuals are only processed by offices that deal with commercial goods traffic (companies).

Opening hours vary depending on the office.

The list of customs offices shows all the offices together with the relevant information. You can simplify your search by filtering according to key services; see also the instructions on using the list of customs offices.

Important links:

Submitting an appeal

Here you can find the most important points that you will need to take into account when submitting an appeal against a decision by the ​Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS):


You can find detailed explanations in the «Factsheet on submitting an appeal (PDF, 72 kB, 31.01.2022)» (available in German, French and Italian).