National Electronic Toll Service (NETS)

The NETS (National Electronic Toll Service) ensures data collection in Switzerland as part of the HVC survey.

The national NETS provider (NNA) NATRAS AG, procured by the federal government, will provide this service to vehicle owners free of charge. The collection system is commissioned independently, which means that there is no need to install a collection device in an authorised workshop.

Within the framework of the NETS, other providers can also provide the recording service (authorised NETS provider ZNA), for which they must undergo an authorisation procedure with the BAZG. The BAZG publishes a list of all authorised NETS providers.

Anyone wishing to be authorised as a ZNA must submit an application for authorisation to the BAZG with all the documents required to prove that they fulfil the authorisation requirements.

The basis for an authorisation contract as a NETS provider is compliance with the requirements of the EETS and NETS provider ordinance BAZG (G/F/I) and the successful completion of the multistage authorisation procedure.

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Bundesamt für Zoll und Grenzsicherheit BAZG Verkehrsabgaben
Taubenstrasse 16
3003 Bern

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