Common Transit Procedure (CTP)

The common transit procedure (CTP) is a simple and cost-effective way of transporting uncleared goods through several countries.It is currently used for all modes of transport in Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, EU countries, Turkey, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The common transit procedure (CTP) regulations and processes are set out in Directive R-14-01 (available in French, German and Italian).

How the common transit procedure works

The standard transit procedure is carried out exclusively electronically using the Passar goods traffic system.

After the transit data has been entered into the Passar goods traffic system by the holder of the procedure (transit declarant) or their representative, the transit procedure is opened and the transit accompanying document generated. This document must be presented at the border crossing to record the border entry or exit of the goods and at the customs office of destination to complete the procedure.

In the transit procedure, the customs status of the goods in the EU customs territory is indicated. T2 goods are those in free circulation within the EU (also called Union goods), while T1 goods are uncleared.

In order to guarantee the taxes and duties in the transit procedure, you must provide security. You will find the application form below under "Forms". For more information on securing taxes and duties, see Directive R-14-01, section 6 (security).