National transit procedure (NTP)

Goods that are uncleared or awaiting export must be held under customs supervision and declared under the national transit procedure (NTP) if you are: transporting your goods between two inland customs offices, from a border customs office to an inland customs office or from an inland customs office to an airport customs office.

Note: Any goods which you transport from an inland customs office to a border customs office or between border customs offices must generally be declared under the common transit procedure (CTP).

Taxes and duties can be secured with a general guarantee or cash deposit with a general guarantee in conjunction with a CSP account. When opening or adjusting your CSP account, you must set aside some of your security for transit procedures. You can obtain further information on this from the FOCBS Finances Division (CSP contact form).

How the national transit procedure works

The national transit procedure is currently still managed in the NCTS IT system. The changeover to the new Passar goods traffic system will take place on 1 October 2023.

The implementing provisions in accordance with Directive R-14-10 (available in French, German and Italian) are decisive for managing the transit procedure.