Carnet TIR - TIR transit procedure

The TIR transit procedure (Transports Internationaux Routiers) offers a way of transporting uncleared goods through several countries. The procedure is mainly used with Eastern European countries that are not connected to the CTP (e.g. Russia, Belarus).

The TIR Convention applies to goods transported without transhipment in the same road vehicle or transport container, for which at least part of the route is by road across one or more borders.

In principle, shipments under the TIR transit procedure must always be transported under customs seal, i.e. the truck or container must be secured by a seal.

How the TIR transit procedure works

The TIR Carnet is the internationally harmonised customs document in the TIR procedure. Among other things, the TIR Carnet provides a financial guarantee for the payment of the suspended taxes and duties.

TIR Carnets are issued by the national road transport associations.

The respective national road transport association issues the TIR Carnet and assumes liability for any taxes and duties.

In Switzerland, TIR Carnets are issued by the Swiss Road Transport Association (ASTAG). For further information, visit ASTAG International.