Using an uncleared vehicle temporarily in Switzerland

Whether you may use an uncleared vehicle in Switzerland depends, among other things, on whether you are resident in Switzerland or abroad.


People resident in Switzerland

In principle, you may not use an uncleared vehicle in Switzerland. You must spontaneously declare any vehicle(s) on which duty has not been paid for permanent importation into Switzerland to Swiss Customs at the border. This also applies to vehicles which relatives or acquaintances from abroad wish to cede to you. Special regulations only apply in a few cases. 


Individuals resident abroad

You may use an uncleared vehicle only for a limited period of time and only for private purposes in Switzerland. 


General information on the temporary use of goods can be found under Temporary importation.

Information on repairing, converting and enhancing an uncleared vehicle can be found under Processing traffic.



If you use an uncleared vehicle in Switzerland without authorisation or do not comply with formalities, you must pay the import duties for the vehicle (customs duty, automobile tax, value added tax) retroactively. In addition, you must be prepared for criminal customs proceedings to be initiated. 


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