Heavy vehicle charge (performance-related and lump-sum)

In Switzerland, a performance-related heavy vehicle fee is levied for transport motor vehicles and trailers with a total weight of over 3.5 tonnes each.

Performance-related heavy vehicle fee (LSVA)

Heavy vehicles for the carriage of goods are subject to the performance-related heavy vehicle fee (HVF). No distinction is made between commercial or private use in this regard.

Holders of vehicles registered in Switzerland can find information on the performance-related heavy vehicle fee at the following link Vehicles licensed in Switzerland.

Information for holders of vehicles registered abroad can be found here Vehicles licensed abroad.

Lump-sum heavy vehicle charge (PSVA)

The charge is levied in the form of a lump sum (lump-sum heavy vehicle charge, PSVA) for the vehicle types listed below.

  • Heavy passenger vehicles
  • Heavy campervans, motorhomes and caravans
  • Vehicles used for transporting passengers (coaches, buses)
  • Tractors and motor carriages
  • Motor vehicles for fun fairs and circuses
  • Other motor vehicles for the carriage of goods and with a maximum speed of 45 km/h

Holders of vehicles registered in Switzerland can find information on the lump-sum heavy vehicle charge at the following link PSVA for Swiss vehicles. Information on refunds for trips abroad can also be found there Refunds for trips abroad.

Information for holders of vehicles registered abroad can be found here PSVA for foreign vehicles.
