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e-dec Import process overview

Einfuhrzollanmeldung - Erstübermittlung Kunde, Importveranlagung bei der Zollstelle.

Import customs declaration – initial client transmission, import assessment at the customs office.

Einfuhrzollanmeldung - Erstübermittlung Kunde, Importveranlagung im Domizil des Kunden.

Import customs declaration – initial client transmission, import assessment at the client's domicile.

Ablauf Back Office.

Back office processing.

Declare your goods for importation using electronic data transmission. The e-dec IT system selects the import customs declaration based on the internal customs risk analysis. It distinguishes between three selection outcomes:

  • blocked
    The goods declared for importation are considered as being under customs control. Only after controls (comparison of import customs declaration with invoices, delivery notes, certificate of origin etc.) and any material inspections have been completed can they be taken away.

  • free/with
    The goods declared for importation can be taken away immediately, pending a successful load check. Our staff carry out the controls (comparison of import customs declaration with invoices, delivery notes, certificate of origin etc.) after the goods have been taken away.

  • free/none
    The goods declared for importation can be taken away immediately, pending a successful load check. We do not carry out any controls.

After we have completed our controls, or you have taken away your goods, the import customs declaration is released in the system for further processing. After that we issue the customs and value added tax decisions and provide the corresponding offices (financial accounting, trade statistics, other federal offices etc.) with the data from the import customs declaration.