Information about Ukraine

Fakten & Zahlen 2023: DaziT

Motorway charge sticker requirement and exemption from heavy vehicle charge

The temporary exemption from the motorway charge sticker requirement for all vehicles transporting Ukrainian refugees or aid for Ukraine will be lifted as of 30. November 2022. From 1. December 2022, the 2023 motorway charge sticker will be available at the usual points of sale. A simplified customs declaration procedure has been set up for anyone wishing to send aid to Ukraine. Moreover, aid transports can be exempted from the performance-related heavy vehicle charge (HVC).
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Customs formalities for the customs clearance of vehicles of persons with protection status S

You can find information on importing and insuring foreign vehicles here.

Entering Switzerland: Information for refugees from Ukraine

Here you will find information on entry requirements, importing pets from the Ukraine, etc.