Narcotics and precursor chemicals

To protect the population from health damage and to prevent violations, narcotics are subject to strict requirements (including a permit obligation) and monitoring. The same applies to important substances used to manufacture narcotics (referred to as precursor substances).

The website of the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, Swissmedic, provides information on what you need to do when importing therapeutic products to Switzerland.

Involvement of the customs authority

The Customs Offices are involved in the monitoring of the import, export, and transit of therapeutic products. In particular, they verify the required Swissmedic permits and combat smuggling.

Where narcotics law is violated, the Customs Offices contact the competent authorities (Swissmedic, police, etc.), which decide on further steps.

Further info

The full context is available in:



Swissmedic, Division Narcotics

+41 58 464 91 88
+41 58 463 88 40

Swissmedic, Narcotics

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