e-dec Export

Customs clearance of goods, known as cargo processing, is part of our core business. On the one hand, the services we offer are client-oriented, but at the same time we must keep our costs down, though without neglecting customs security.

In the past we had a broad range of products, all with the same aim: swift customs clearance of goods. These products include form-based and IT-based solutions for the importation, transit, and exportation of goods. This multiplicity of cargo processing products resulted in service offerings that were perceived as too broad and unclear. Frequently, individual products offered were isolated solutions that were barely harmonized with one another.

Aims of e-dec

With e-dec we have developed a cargo processing product which has replaced the existing products (e.g. customs clearance system M90). E-dec has a modular structure. It can be used to declare goods for importation, transit or exportation electronically. These uniform processes result in cost savings.

You can find the latest information on the e-dec electronic customs declaration at the following link: e-dec info.

More details and further information can be found under the following links:
