Intellectual property, trade and culture

Counterfeiting and Piracy

Assistance provided by the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS)

The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) is authorised to notify the right holder if it is suspected that the importation, transit or exportation of goods which would infringe their intellectual property rights in Switzerland is imminent.

The right holder can make an application for assistance at the FOCBS. The applicant can apply for clearance of the goods to be refused if it is suspected that these goods would infringe intellectual property rights in Switzerland. If the FOCBS withholds goods based on this type of application, it is possible for the right holder to submit an application within 10 days to the respective judge for precautionary measures to be taken.

Information on submitting the application:

Fact sheet on assistance provided by the FOCBS in the area of intangible assets (see Services)

Accompanying form (Link see pages in German, French or Italian) for application for assistance STOP PIRACY


Counterfeiting and piracy - 2024 statistics (see Further info)


Further information can be found at

In order to combat counterfeiting and piracy effectively and in a sustainable way, the FOCBS is committed to the STOP PIRACY campaign, a public-private partnership

(cf. ).