Narcotics and drugs

In order to protect the population from health hazards and to prevent unlawful use, narcotics are subject to strict regulations and monitoring.

The website of the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, Swissmedic, provides information on what you need to do when importing narcotics into Switzerland.

Role of the customs authorities

Customs offices are involved in monitoring the importation, exportation and transit of narcotics. In particular, they combat smuggling.

In instances when narcotics law is violated, the customs offices contact the competent authorities (Swissmedic, police, etc.), which decide on further steps.

Medicines for personal use

Travellers are allowed to carry medicinal products containing narcotic or psychotropic substances without an import or export permit, provided that the quantity carried is no greater than that required for 30 days, and in the case of exportation, that the destination country allows this.

N.B. You may only carry the quantity required for a month if it is for your own personal use and not for someone else. 

You can find further information and advice on certifications on the website of the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, Swissmedic.

Further info

The full context is available in:
