Number of the month 2020

134 222


Swiss chocolate is very popular abroad. In 2019, our country exported 134 222 tonnes, of which 25.4% went to Germany and 9.2% to the United Kingdom. (01.12.2020)

2 617


Temperatures are falling – chestnut season! In 2019, 2 617 tonnes of chestnuts were imported; that represents 304g per person. Three quarters of the nuts were imported from Italy. (01.11.2020)

8 240


In 2019, a record 8 240 tonnes of honey were imported into Switzerland. Almost a third came from Mexico and around a quarter from Germany. (01.10.2020)


95 370


In the first half of 2020, 95 370 e-bikes worth a total of CHF 185 million were imported into Switzerland. This represents an increase of 16% compared with the same period last year. (01.09.2020)




Flights are severely restricted because of COVID-19. As an indirect consequence of this, Switzerland exported only 58.4 million litres of kerosene in the second quarter of 2020 – 73% less than in the same period last year. (01.08.2020)