Provider for LSVA basic service commissioned by the FOCBS

Bern, 14.03.2024 - The renewal and modernisation of the collection system for the performance-related heavy vehicle charge (LSVA) is taking shape. Owners of vehicles registered in Switzerland will now be able to choose between different providers of LSVA recording systems. The basic LSVA service will be provided on behalf of the responsible Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) by NATRAS AG, a mileage recording company founded in January 2024. The system changeover is a key component of the DaziT digitalisation and transformation programme.

Harmonised uniform standards have already been introduced at European level with the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS), which significantly simplifies and accelerates the collection of tolls in Europe, especially in cross-border traffic. In Switzerland, a procedure compatible with the EETS has also been used for collecting the LSVA since the beginning of 2020 - for legal reasons, however, this has so far only been for vehicles registered abroad.

Extended services also for Swiss vehicle owners

The amendment to the Heavy Vehicle Charge Act adopted by Parliament on 17th march 2023 also created the basis for a free market of approved service providers in Switzerland who can develop and offer service solutions for mileage recording. In future, the approximately 12,000 vehicle owners throughout Switzerland, with a total of around 50,000 vehicles subject to the LSVA, will also have a similar choice. The new services will reduce operational and administrative costs for both transport companies and the FOCBS.

EETS and the newly introduced national recording service NETS (National Electronic Toll Service) are technically related and comparable in their practical application. The FOCBS-approved service providers supply their clients with a system for recording mileage per vehicle and send the FOCBS the data required to calculate and assess the charge. The FOCBS remains responsible for collecting the charge for domestic vehicles.

NATRAS AG guarantees a basic national LSVA service

In addition to the approved NETS service providers, the revised Heavy Vehicle Charge Act provides for the commissioning of a "national NETS provider", which is commissioned by the FOCBS to ensure the free basic service. The national NETS provider is available, in particular, to those vehicle owners who do not wish to, or cannot, enter into a contract with an authorised EETS or NETS service provider. The FOCBS has procured a suitable service provider through a WTO tender. The contractor will be NATRAS AG, which was founded by the two successful WTO tenderers (LOSTnFOUND AG and Kapsch TrafficCom AG) specifically for this purpose.

Mileage recording changes, the charge remains the same

In future, it will be possible to record mileage using solutions from the free market. The FOCBS concentrates on calculating the charge and collecting it. In addition, it checks the quality of the mileage data recorded by the service providers and carries out risk-based checks. As provided for in the revised Heavy Vehicle Charge Act, the Confederation no longer stipulates the means for recording the kilometres driven, but requires service providers to provide the data needed for the calculation with the appropriate level of quality and availability.

With the system changeover, the collection system changes - the charge itself does not change. The provisions on the obligation to pay the charge and exemptions, the basis of assessment, the tariff, the collection of the charge and how the receipts from the charge are used remain unchanged.

System changeover from 2025: next steps

The current LSVA collection system will reach the end of its technical life in 2024. The FOCBS will continue to rigorously prepare the system changeover, both with the national NETS provider NATRAS AG and with other potential service providers. The FOCBS will contact all owners affected by the changeover directly and inform them of the next steps. There is currently no need for them to take any action.

Address for enquiries

For private individuals and companies: LSVA contacts (

For media representatives: Media Section, Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS)
Tel. +41 58 462 67 43,


Federal Office for Customs and Border Security