

The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security is the largest administration unit in the Finance Department with 4000 employees. Here you will find the management staff.

Customs and Border Guard


We make a considerable contribution to the security and protection of the population, the economy, the Swiss state and plants and animals.

Empfangsschalter ZI Pratteln


The FOCBS is divided into six directorates.


Facts & figures

The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security provides comprehensive security at the border – for the benefit of the public, the business community and the state. Would you like to know what we have achieved in the past year? Here you will find everything from species protection to customs clearance and the respective figures.

Documentation_Legal foundation

Legal basis

We operate on the basis of Article 133 of the Federal Constitution and the Customs Act. According to these, the Confederation is responsible for customs duties and other duties.

Ausbildung EZV

Careers and training

We train customs and border security specialists and assayers, and provide various types of apprenticeships and internships.

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Top-class sport in the FOCBS

The FOCBS sponsors top-ranking Swiss sportsmen and sportswomen. It provides support for them in combining their work and sports careers.

Puzzle Stellenangebote

Job opportunities

Job vacancies in the Confederation (Stellenangebot des Bundes) provides information on vacancies with us and in other federal authorities. The content is available in German, French or Italian.

Customs museum

Customs Museum

Start of season: Easter Sunday, 20 april 2025
End of season: Sunday 19 October 2025

Contact Buttons


We have various support units and contact points on different topics and systems such as for example foreign trade statistics, general customs questions and freight applications.
