Here you will find announcements destined for private individuals and companies. These may be warnings of phishing emails or information on Switzerland's free trade agreements, etc.
You can subscribe to news on diverse customs topics via the Confederation news service. This includes amongst other things Swiss foreign trade statistics and free trade agreements, etc.
Switzerland has concluded free trade agreements with various countries. You will find all the information you need in this section. IMPORTANT: as of 1.9.2021, new rules of origin («transitional rules») will be gradually introduced in the Pan-Euro-Med Zone.
The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is in charge of the abolition of industrial tariffs. The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security FOCBS is responsible for implementation.
We prepare, manage and publish the Swiss foreign trade statistics. In this section, you will find numerous tables and charts, and information on Swiss imports and exports. The data can be consulted by country, item and mode of transport, etc.
We levy taxes and duties on goods in cross-border traffic on behalf of Switzerland. These include customs duties, the heavy vehicle charge, value added tax, mineral oil tax, alcohol duty and tobacco duty. These taxes and duties account for around a third of all general government receipts.
All that glitters is not gold. Consequently, our Central Office for Precious Metal Control is tasked with checking goods made from gold, silver and platinum. If you wish to buy a piece of jewellery abroad, you can find out in this section what you need to look out for.
We make a contribution to security at home and abroad with foreign assignments at the Schengen external borders. Examples include experts in peacekeeping missions and air marshals on board Swiss-registered aircraft.
We are in charge of practical implementation of the alcohol law. All spirits, brandies, aperitifs, etc. as well as high-grade alcohol for industrial purposes come under this law.
Here, you will find all information for companies on customs regulations and procedures for importing goods into Switzerland. A checklist will guide you through the most common import procedure: from the preliminary clarifications to the downstream procedural steps and costs.
Here, you will find all information for companies on customs regulations and procedures for exporting goods out of Switzerland. A checklist will guide you through the most common export procedure: from the preliminary clarifications to the downstream procedural steps and costs.
Here, you will find all information for companies on customs regulations and procedures for the transit of goods through Switzerland. A checklist will give you an overview of transit procedures such as the common transit procedure (CTP).
We levy a number of taxes and duties within Switzerland as well. These include mineral oil tax, CO₂ tax, VOC incentive fee, automobile duty, spirits tax, beer tax and tobacco duty. You will find all of the relevant information in this section.
Road levies are incurred when goods are transported in Switzerland. Depending on the vehicle and the roads you use, these include the motorway tax sticker and the performance-related or lump-sum heavy vehicle charge.
Here, you will find all information for companies on bans, restrictions and conditions for certain goods. These generally apply to both importation and exportation, as well as transit through Switzerland.
In this section, you will find the topics that are most frequently searched for by companies. They are divided into importation into Switzerland, exportation and transit.
Here you will find all the news on customs regulations and procedures such as free trade, the customs tariff and other specific topics for specialists.
Here you will find the list of customs offices, including contact details for each office, as well as the specific opening hours for declaring merchandise.
Different customs regulations and procedures generally apply for companies and individuals. However, there are exceptions. You will find the customs definition of companies and individuals, including examples, here.
Ordering products from abroad, moving to Switzerland, cross-border shopping, vehicle importation, etc. In this section, you will find the topics which are asked about most often. This is split up into importation into Switzerland, exportation and transit.
To enter Switzerland, you need a valid travel document (passport, identity card) and, depending on the country of origin, a visa. A motorway charge is levied for vehicles of up to 3.5 tonnes and a heavy vehicle charge is levied for lorries.
If you are carrying goods and animals, you have to comply with regulations when you cross the border. In addition, costs can be incurred. In this section, we provide information on the provisions for entering Switzerland as well as exportation and transit.
Consignments to and from foreign countries (e.g. repair consignments) are considered to be commercial goods – there is no tax-free limit of CHF 150. In this section, we point out the responsibilities and the possible costs that might arise for you.
Household effects, wedding trousseaux and inherited property which you are take with you when moving house to or from Switzerland can be imported or exported without paying taxes or duty – if you observe the corresponding regulations.
Travellers resident abroad can import vehicles for personal use into Switzerland. Other vehicles must be declared at the border. This is possible during office hours on working days, as well as on Saturday mornings in the case of certain customs offices.
Do you want to go away on a trip with your domestic pet or purchase exclusive souvenirs, plants or foodstuffs for yourself and your friends at home? Then it is best to find out before you leave what is permitted or which authorisations must be obtained.
Many goods may not be imported into Switzerland at all, or else in restricted quantities or only with special authorisation. These include cash, weapons, drugs, narcotics, cultural property, counterfeit brand-name products and medications.
In this section, you will find out everything on how you can declare personal goods to us. The information is split up into importation, exportation and transit. Above all, please take note of the different opening times and services of the customs offices.
Customs declarations can be made during normal clearance times on working days; some customs offices are also open on Saturday mornings. On Sundays and national holidays, the customs offices are closed for commercial goods traffic and there is a driving ban on lorries.
Customs also offers private individuals various applications that facilitate customs clearance activities. For example, the QuickZoll app, which you can use to clear goods yourself.
Customs law and customs tariff law essentially regulate the movement of people and goods crossing the Swiss border, including the levying of duties. There are also other laws and legislative texts that regulate the performance of customs tasks.
Here you will find provisions on the topics of assessment, tariffs, duties and non customs tasks which will enable you to apply the legal provisions correctly. This specific information is aimed primarily at specialists.
Value added tax, customs tariffs, free trade agreements, VOCs, Border Guard, facts and figures on customs: the FOCBS keeps you informed regularly about various customs-specific matters with the Forum Z. magazine and many other publications.
Tares, preferential origin and free trade agreements, euro-med: to give you a clear idea, the FOCBS provides e-learning modules that you can benefit from whenever you have time.
Did you know that we do not just carry out controls at the border to determine who enters Switzerland or what is exported from Switzerland? Take a look at the varied world of the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security.
The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security is the largest administration unit in the Finance Department with 4000 employees. Here you will find the management staff.
The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security provides comprehensive security at the border – for the benefit of the public, the business community and the state. Would you like to know what we have achieved in the past year? Here you will find everything from species protection to customs clearance and the respective figures.
We operate on the basis of Article 133 of the Federal Constitution and the Customs Act. According to these, the Confederation is responsible for customs duties and other duties.
Job vacancies in the Confederation (Stellenangebot des Bundes) provides information on vacancies with us and in other federal authorities. The content is available in German, French or Italian.
We have various support units and contact points on different topics and systems such as for example foreign trade statistics, general customs questions and freight applications.