A lorry transporting goods through Switzerland

Services for companies

Customs offers companies a wide range of applications and services for their customs activities.

Young woman entering Switzerland on a train and using the QuickZoll app to perform a self-declaration for her souvenirs.

Services for individuals

Customs also offers private individuals various applications that facilitate customs clearance activities. For example, the QuickZoll app, which you can use to clear goods yourself.

A person holding a smartphone with both hands, catching up on news about customs issues.

News on services

Keep up to date with the latest news on electronic services.

A border crossing on a motorway at night

Contact details and opening hours

You will find all customs hotlines as well as the opening hours and contact details of customs offices here.

FOCBS website with forms

Forms and factsheets

Here you will find an overview of all customs forms and factsheets.

A steppe-like landscape with a yellow traffic sign in the foreground. On the sign are two arrows pointing in opposite directions.

Am I an individual or a company?

Find out whether Customs considers you as a company or an individual.